There’s Still time to signup for The Country Christmas Connection, but hurry! Signups will close 11/30 at 11:59 pm PST, that gives you almost two full days!
So head over to my sign up post to get all the information you need by {Clicking Here}. Once you submit your form be sure to share on your blog or favorite social media channel and tag a few friends you think might enjoy joining the gift exchange as well! The more the merrier!!
Jenny from The Magic Farmhouse and I are so excited to team up and host the very first year of The Country Christmas Connection. We have all really enjoyed the experience of the Christmas in the Country gift exchange where this idea was born. (Never heard of the CITC exchange? Click Here to check it out!) Yet again a huge thank you and shout out to the creators Jamie of This Uncharted Rhoade and Laurie of Country LINKed. Without their awesome hosting for the last three years and their blessing to continue this fun holiday tradition, my Christmas just wouldn’t feel complete. So Thank You, Thank You, Jamie and Laurie for the awesome roots you’ve planted, Jenny and I hope we can do them justice and have a whole lot of fun at the same time!
So are you an Ag Blogger? What are you waiting for, there’s still time to sign up!

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