It’s the day before my favorite holiday, Thanksgiving. It really is a time I enjoy reflecting and thinking about all the things in my life I have to be Thankful for. There are so many blessings big and small that come to mind when we open up to that reflection.
This year to celebrate, over on our farm Facebook page Abiqua Acres, we are doing a giveaway. Head over to our page give it a like and comment on the giveaway post to be entered to win. We are giving away a copy of Darigold’s awesome Fresh magazine. (I’m sure some other goodies might show up in the envelope too!) It is filled with great recipes and stories of the Darigold family of producers and products. You just might notice a few familiar faces inside the pages, as we were chosen as this year’s featured farm. It really is a beautiful magazine and we are proud to be a part of it this year.
So, Click Here, to head over to Facebook, like our farm page Abiqua Acres and comment on the giveaway post with what you are Thankful for!
From me to you, wishing you and yours a very wonderful Thanksgiving!

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