Today I stepped into new shoes as I jointly presented on my social media experiences to the attendees at the Oregon Dairy Farmers Association’s Annual Convention.
Bobbi of Harrold’s Dairy and I talked about our experiences with the different social media platforms out there and some tips to getting started.
Public speaking is not my strong point, but encouraging other producers to share their story is a worth while topic. There is such a tradition of dedication within the dairy industry that is really fueled by passion and love. You don’t work 365 days a year at something you don’t enjoy. I think that’s a real story that deserves telling.
More than that, this is an industry that I want to see sustain and thrive for the future generations. I truly believe if that is going to happen we need to meet consumers want for connections to their food. If we can’t be their connection to the dairy industry then they are going to look else where for that connection. Honestly I don’t want any one else telling my story for me!
Are you a dairy producer? Are you using social media to tell your story? Feel overwhelmed with getting started? Don’t hesitate to contact me, I’d love to help you get started telling your story.

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