2017 Year End Review: Farm
Wow! I am not even sure how to summarize 2017 for Abiqua Acres! It has been a huge year, with trials but mostly successes. Of course our biggest news is finally transitioning our herd into our new robotic facility. I know I owe some apologies as I have been horrible at updating here on the […]
2017 Year End Review: Agvocacy
Yet again some how we find ourselves at the end of another year! It’s at this time that I enjoy looking back on the past year and remembering all that has happened. 2017 was yet again another whirlwind of a year! A full and busy farm schedule left things rather quite here on the blog […]
Thank You 2016
2016 Year End Review: Farm
All of last years planning and hard work at least has something to show for in 2016. The big news of course for this year is breaking ground and building our new robotic milking facility. I will be honest I had fully expected to be ending this year as a robot dairy farmer. There’s no […]
2016 Year End Review: Agvocacy
Show of hands, who is just plain ready to be done with 2016? Yea me too! Last year I predicted that 2016 would be a whirlwind, and that was a complete understatement. Just like the year before, I have this theme of wondering where the time goes, every year. This year is no exception in […]
Thank You 2015
2015 Year End Review: Farm
I started writing this yesterday, and well today we end 2015 on a very low note. We laid to rest our all time favorite cow today; Abiqua Acres Prestige Jesusita. I don’t really have more words than that right now, she definitely deserves a proper tribute. I’m just glad the sun is shining today, as […]
2015 Year End Review: Agvocacy
I’ll be repeating myself just like last year but is anyone else wondering where 2015 went? So somehow it’s that time again for my 2015 Year End Review, first taking a look at my agvocacy efforts. This was a big year and yet a very quite year on the blog. The biggest change and achievement […]
2014 Year End Review: Farm
After I highlighted my efforts in agvocacy in 2014 I thought it would be fun to take a look at what happened on our farm this year! The biggest change for 2014 was the number of cows in our herd. For the second time ever and in the last two years we opened our closed […]