I am so excited to be joining CountryLinked and ThisUnchartedRhoade for Christmas in the Country! They came up with such a fun idea! Really looking forward to a wonderful event with fellow “aggie bloggers’! I feel like my Holiday spirit (how in the world is Thanksgiving already here?!?) has totally been lacking all year […]
The toughest post I may ever write……..
I’ve been kind of quiet for the last week on here…….but tonight I feel the need to spill out all my overflowing emotions. My heart has a huge hole in it. Today I said my goodbyes to my best friend for the last 20 years…..way more of my life I have known with Mikey, then […]
March’s Cow of the Month
Miss March 2013 Briar Abiqua Acres Yogibear Briar has been bestowed the honor of Miss March (And February, I know I am behind, so she’s got two months worth of honor!) but she could honestly take the title of Rookie of the Year without batting an eye. We often times get inquires from people […]
Classification – Feb. 2013
Saturday Feb. 16, 2013 the classifier from the American Guernsey Association came to evaluate our herd. Luckily the weather held almost all day, with only one major downpour. Although it was cold, we had a great day! Here are some highlights and high scores from our herd: 1st Lactation Standouts: Abiqua Acres Yogi Briar: VG-85 […]
So God Made a Farmer
So I am a little late like always on catching the hype train, and it seems like every last person but me has already blogged about this topic, but I am still impressed and influenced by last weekend. So we were visiting some close friends Superbowl 2013, usually I only watch for the commercials, but […]
Jack Frost…….
Well I can’t complain about our temperate winter weather in Oregon, especially when other parts of the country are experiencing -30 wind chill. (I have a hard time processing how cold that really is?!?) But we have had a couple weeks of freezing weather, with freezing fog that has made for some interesting frost! Quite […]
January’s Cow of the Month
So I thought it would be kind of fun to introduce you to some of the Ladies here on our farm with a focus on one of them as the Cow of the Month! So more then a little late, but here is Miss January! For the first one I thought it was only appropriate […]