Merry Christmas………Happy New Year……….Oh wait it’s the end of the middle of January…….so this will just be a tradition that my Christmas in the Country post is late! This year I didn’t have the excuse of having a baby, but I was busy the first half of January getting ready for my littler farmer’s first […]
2015 Resolutions
I’ve never really been one for New Years resolutions, but I seem to always find myself thinking about all the possibilities that seem to be more readily available as the calendar turns over. Why is it that we are more ready to make a change when the date changes? I’m all for motivation, and anything […]
Hello 2015!!
Our first calf, a heifer, arrived this afternoon! A great way to Welcome in 2015! Happy New Year!
Christmas in the Country
Sent off a special package to someone! Looking forward to linking up for this fun event! How is your holiday season shaping up? Someone I’ve found myself really behind this season, I’ll be playing catch up this weekend! Tonight I am off to enjoy a performance of the Nutcracker!! I hope you are finding some […]
Building my Agvocacy Arsenal with the AgChat Foundation
It was exactly this time last year that I was feeling incredibly excited about agvocacy and the role that my blog could play. After the release of Dodge’s 2013 Superbowl commercial, I felt even more energized to continue to reach out to the general public through my writing and social media. Well my energy this […]
Christmas in the Country
Better late then never, but with a good excuse, having a baby counts right?!? I am finally getting around to my link up post from Christmas in the Country. Don’t let my tardiness diminish the fun and excitement I had with this experience. A huge Thank you goes out to Jamie and Laurie for setting […]
Merry Christmas!
Sometimes your heart is so full it’s hard to put into words how you are feeling. This year I am feeling overly blessed! Sometimes it’s so easy to look at all the hard and difficult, stressful and consuming things in your life and lose sight of what really matters. When you let go of all […]
FarmHer Dilemma #42
FarmHer Dilemma #42: Work wear does not come in maternity sizes. Somewhat of an issue when your big preggo during the nice cold winter months! Dear Carhartt, You need a maternity line!
A Year of….
Another year……another year flown by……at pretty much the speed of light!!! A year whose theme should simply be: behind Ok please tell me I’m not the only one sitting here wondering how in the world it’s only 15 days till Christmas! While I could blame my behindness on many things, I mainly think it’s just […]
As the Pasture Gate Closes
We’ve come to that point in the year where the Oregon weather has made the ground wet enough that it’s time for the Ladies to come off the pastures and into the barns for winter. We rotationally graze our herd for as many months out of the year as the weather allows. But once the […]