I’m so excited to start a new feature for Mama Monday – Mama Honesty! Let’s be honest, motherhood is hard, it’s messy, it’s downright exhausting and yet the most amazingly rewarding job ever! Emotional combo right? So this feature is a space for honesty about this crazy journey, no judgment, just different views and stories […]
Cows on Pasture
My favorite day of the year has arrived! And a whole month earlier than last year. Today we let the Ladies back out onto the pasture! It is always so much fun to watch them return back outside to the lush green grass. After a little bit of fun and kicking up their heels they […]
2015 Resolutions
I’ve never really been one for New Years resolutions, but I seem to always find myself thinking about all the possibilities that seem to be more readily available as the calendar turns over. Why is it that we are more ready to make a change when the date changes? I’m all for motivation, and anything […]
2014 Year End Review: Farm
After I highlighted my efforts in agvocacy in 2014 I thought it would be fun to take a look at what happened on our farm this year! The biggest change for 2014 was the number of cows in our herd. For the second time ever and in the last two years we opened our closed […]
2014 Year End Review: Agvocacy
Wow! 2014 flew by faster than the speed of light for me! I feel like it’s still December 29th, 2013 and I was looking at my second child’s due date! Literally, where did the year go?!? I guess you throw two young boys into the daily grind of farm life and time is going to […]
Northwest Farmer’s Fighting Hunger Results
The beginning of June Dairy Month I brought to your attention the Northwest’s Farmer’s Fighting Hunger campaign. Well the results are back and I am so happy to have been involved in such a successful year: So THANK YOU to everyone who participated and helped #fightsummerhunger! Very proud that Oregon won this little Challenge, of […]
#WhattheMuck: A Lesson in Social Media Importance
Glad the boots on the hard working feet of our family have always been Lacrosse or Bogs. I don’t have to feel remorse for supporting a company that in turn supports organizations that are trying to end our lifestyle. New Bogs- Sept 2012, still going strong today! That might sound a little rash, and potentially […]
Dairy Farmer Roadtrip “Vacation”
Dairy Farmers are a wonderful breed of people. Each caring for and producing the best quality product they possibly can. I am reminded of this time and time again as I forge more friendships throughout the dairy world. This latest expansion of my “dairy family” took me to eastern Washington state near the town of […]
Northwest Farmers Fighting Hunger
Today is not a Wordless Wednesday! Lately all the posts and conversations I have seen about food, seem to be GMO related. That topic can get everyone on every side very riled up and passionate. I am not advocating for either side, but simply asking you to put that passion somewhere it can be put […]
Did I forget Mother’s Day?
No posts about Mother’s Day were found here on Sunday, I was busy enjoying my little farmers as well as caring for the other Mothers that call our herd home. I had to chuckle as my newsfeed overflowed with the breakfasts in bed, spa days and flowers. You see every day is Mother’s Day here. […]