It appears there is a national day for everything, even farmers. So today we celebrate National Farmer’s Day. Yesterday as I walked through the grocery store I was honestly in awe of the fact that all that selection is made possible by a farmer somewhere. It really blows my mind when I realize that we […]
Breaking Ground
After months of final planning and weeks of waiting on the weather, we were able to start breaking ground today!! It’s so exciting to see an actual start to the last two years worth of planning! Looking like the weather will hold for the next week as we have a lot of dirt to move. […]
Thank You 2015
Classification – Jan 2014
Well I don’t think we could have asked for a better classification day! The sun came out for the first time in weeks and the scores were exciting. No better way for my Dad, Alan to spend his birthday! We added two new Excellents: Abiqua Acres Aaron Marcena and Abiqua Acres Aaron Mardi 6 more […]