A Good Day
Sometimes, every once in a blue moon a perfectly ordinary day, is a good day. Nothing spectacular happened, nothing that was earth shattering good news, it just was. And in that just being, there was total peace and happiness for me. Add in a gorgeous sunset to end a beautiful Fall day in Oregon and […]
Healthy Start
Hello February! Sometimes it take some healthy determination to make a difference. This month I am determined to carve out a little bit of time for myself! After a few months of just feeling blah by the afternoon, I knew I needed to make a change. It’s easy to feel like I just need a […]
2015 Resolutions
I’ve never really been one for New Years resolutions, but I seem to always find myself thinking about all the possibilities that seem to be more readily available as the calendar turns over. Why is it that we are more ready to make a change when the date changes? I’m all for motivation, and anything […]