You know you’ve had a “good” week when you end up doing the laundry earlier than normal. I usually do laundry on Sunday. It’s our down day and we just do the minimum amount of work required so we usually don’t end of going through too many changes of clothes. This week by today, Friday, […]
Moms Just Ask for Help
Darleen was looking for a story about lessons learned being a mom and a dairy farmer. Immediately this exchange with a friend of mine came to mind. First of all, I think the most important message below is to reach out and ask for insight from the moms around you! I was so proud of […]
How Do You Keep Farm Kids Clean?
When I met farmer, I was a single mother. I had a beautiful little blonde haired girl that was (still is) the center of my world. When we started dating, I remember taking “special” clothes for her to play in at the farm. I washed her hands constantly and she took a bath more than […]
I’m so excited to start a new feature for Mama Monday – Mama Honesty! Let’s be honest, motherhood is hard, it’s messy, it’s downright exhausting and yet the most amazingly rewarding job ever! Emotional combo right? So this feature is a space for honesty about this crazy journey, no judgment, just different views and stories […]
Mid-Week Meal
So I am always looking for recipes that make good grab and go meals, cause lets face it there are lots of times dinner is literally consumed on the go around here. Our big meal for the day is consumed at lunch time, where we actually all sit down together and eat. Dinner is usually […]
Healthy Start
Hello February! Sometimes it take some healthy determination to make a difference. This month I am determined to carve out a little bit of time for myself! After a few months of just feeling blah by the afternoon, I knew I needed to make a change. It’s easy to feel like I just need a […]
2015 Resolutions
I’ve never really been one for New Years resolutions, but I seem to always find myself thinking about all the possibilities that seem to be more readily available as the calendar turns over. Why is it that we are more ready to make a change when the date changes? I’m all for motivation, and anything […]
2014 Year End Review: Agvocacy
Wow! 2014 flew by faster than the speed of light for me! I feel like it’s still December 29th, 2013 and I was looking at my second child’s due date! Literally, where did the year go?!? I guess you throw two young boys into the daily grind of farm life and time is going to […]
Christmas in the Country
Sent off a special package to someone! Looking forward to linking up for this fun event! How is your holiday season shaping up? Someone I’ve found myself really behind this season, I’ll be playing catch up this weekend! Tonight I am off to enjoy a performance of the Nutcracker!! I hope you are finding some […]
First Birthday Pirate Party
My second baby is fast approaching his first birthday, and with the holidays in between (I started this post before Thanksgiving!) I figured I had better get with it on getting some planning done! While I got started on that I realized I never did share all the details on my oldest boys first birthday. […]