I hate cleaning, no really I completely loathe cleaning my home! There’s literally a million other things I would rather do and usually do end up doing, so my house is always in some sort of dissarray. Which is ok with me, it’s just how I am. And we spend most of our time outside anyways…..which should be a motivator for cleaning since all kinds of “farm goodness” seem to get dragged in.
Anyways…….we had a teaser couple of nice weeks the end of March and then April did what April does; rain! April Showers bring May Flowers…….I prefer April Showers Ruin May Flowers, I am kind of partial to daffodils, which always seems to meet an early demise due to April Rain. Well that rain brought us back inside and made me realize that I REALLY needed to do some cleaning!
Well the logical person, would get the whole house clean. But a weekend day to myself led to inspiration to FINALLY finish our bedroom. I have gone through so many colors schemes and ideas for our bedroom it’s ridiculous. But I found one I truly loved! And it didn’t even require repainting the walls! But it did mean we had to clean our room. Our bedroom hardly ever gets really clean, it’s the last room that matters. It was so disgustingly gross this time, I refused to snap a before picture! I’ll let your imagination handle that!
But I was good and got everything out, all the laundry done and put away (that’s the worst part of laundry for me!) And cleaned everything! Covers off the headboard and chaise lounge, curtains and windows washed, everything dusted. I even ironed our bedskirt before I put it back on, I never iron anything, I expected the end of the world to soon commence! Sigh of relief it looks great…….now I’ll keep it that way right?
Well with our room clean I got to bring out my goodies I had found!
This was my inspiration for the current color pallet in our room. I’m not a bird person, but this little wren made me think of spring and a happy little song! The scroll work and colors instantly popped bohemian into my mind!
At my next stop World Market, which just happens to be my favorite store I ran across this duvet cover! I knew it was fate because it matched the colors in my picture I had found! So I just went for it!
A couple more throw pillows, some yellow sheets because we can always use more sunshine.
I filled the awkward space behind our television with some fake flowers for a pop of color, not exactly what I was looking for, but it does the job.
Got the curtains hung back up. I just love the way light filters through sheer!
And the artwork hung.
TA-DA! I think I may finally be happy with our room!
Now I just need to find a way to fill the space above our headboard……I think I have a couple of ideas brewing, so stayed tuned! Oh and finish my vanity area, which I totally forgot to snap a couple of pictures of! Thanks for letting me share! 🙂

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