I’m having trouble with the fact that two weeks have gone by since we said goodbye to our “firstborn” Sasha. She had always been here everyday in my life for the past six years and I still find myself looking for her. She was a barn kitten that we rescued, and honestly didn’t expect to survive. She was so young, but showed us right away what a fighter she was and beat the odds. Since she was with us from such a young age she was more of person then a cat. I am not really a cat person but found myself totally in love with her quirky personality. We were hoping she would be an inside/outside pet, but she right away told us she was a part of family and belonged in the house! There’s not a memory in this house that doesn’t include Sasha and I am finding comfort in the memories she leaves behind. Love you pretty girl and thank you for being a part of our family!

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