Wishing you all the Happiest Thanksgiving! From Suey and all of us here on the farm I hope this day finds you surrounded by those you love, with great food (and maybe even great drinks!) and too many things to be thankful for! I am certainly thankful for our farm; our lifestyle that allows us […]
For all the Helping Hands
Dairy farming is a 24/7, 365 days a year job! Our family works hard around the clock to provide the best possible product we can. But we don’t go it alone, here are just a few of the many people involved and I am Thankful for all of them! Our Veterinary: Doc is pretty much […]
Welcome Little Ones!
Two new heifer calves for Mistery and Admire. Mistery is the cow on the left and her calf is the top left baby. Admire is on the right and her baby is the bottom left. Birth is an almost daily event here on the farm. Last week we welcomed two new baby girls. A 1G434 […]
{Wordless Wednessday}
Mid-Week Meal
I struggle on a daily basis to get a decent meal on the dinner table! One of my organizational downfalls, and seems like I am just out of energy and ideas by the time I get in from the barn. The cows come first and all their needs are met before anyone else’s! On those […]
For Dairy Farming
Thoughtful Thursday, Thankful Thursday, Farm edition! I love the month of November! The world lights up in one last spectacular show from nature, as the leaves fall from the trees. The temperatures begin to dip, making your crave a toasty warm fire, soup and comfort. And we celebrate Thanksgiving! I love taking a few moments […]
{Wordless Wednesday}
Yet again I find my time at the keyboard idle and it’s a week into November. So here is a Summer Montage of photos for life here on the farm!
July Already?!?
Wow what a whirlwind of a summer already! I promise I will write more about it soon, but currently trying to get back to normal after helping host the 2012 National Guernsey Convention here in Oregon. Just feeling very grateful and full of thanks to all of those who helped make convention and also the […]
Mason’s Home Birth Story
I have been kind of absent from my blog! But as my son’s first birthday looms (No I don’t want to talk about it, having enough issues with him turning one!) I am remembering the day he was born and what a special and amazing experience his birth was. Also a couple of stories recently […]
December Already?
Wow that went fast! First I think I have all the time in the world and then all of a sudden it disappears! I had wanted to do an in depth Thankful Thursday for every thoughtful Thursday in November, but obviously that didn’t get accomplished! So here’s a round up of what I am truly Thankful For: A […]