More then a little behind this week as me and Little Farmer spent the whole week with a nasty cold! But these are last week’s calves, so not quite Christmas calves, the closest we got was the 22nd. She was properly named Jingle! Hoping you all enjoyed a very Merry Christmas! Shine, Jingle and Joyful!
Celebrating 60 Years part 2
Here is a continuation of our 60 year celebration on our facebook page. Make sure to like us and follow along if you haven’t already! Also make sure to check out the first of these posts so you don’t miss any of our farm’s history! #17 The next purchase that still has a foothold in […]
Today is a mind numbing day, so I feel like my excitement has been dampened. This week in general has just been horrific all around the world. Makes me want to dig a hole and crawl inside! But then again it is a reminder that we never know when our last day will be. Never […]
{Wordless Wednesday}
Little Farmer Names
Remember our first ET calf from 2 weeks ago? Well my Little Farmer had the honor of naming her, here’s how the conversation with my 1 1/2 year old went: Me: “We need to name Maranda’s new baby.” LF: “Marna” Me: “Oh were you trying to say Maranda? That’s right we have to name her […]
Celebrating 60 Years!
We are celebrating over on our Facebook Page, the reason; 60 Years with Registered Guernsey. As our farm is a 100% registered Guernsey herd this is a huge part of our history. So I hope if you are on Facebook you will like our page and follow along with us. But if not, I will […]
{Wordless Wednesday}
Saying Goodbye to Sasha
I’m having trouble with the fact that two weeks have gone by since we said goodbye to our “firstborn” Sasha. She had always been here everyday in my life for the past six years and I still find myself looking for her. She was a barn kitten that we rescued, and honestly didn’t expect […]
For Family
Did you know that 99% of dairy farms in the U.S. are family owned? That is certainly a tradition that rings true on our farm as we are 100% family owned and operated. So that means our work force consists of the 4 of us and a very driving micro manager who calls most of […]