When I met farmer, I was a single mother. I had a beautiful little blonde haired girl that was (still is) the center of my world. When we started dating, I remember taking “special” clothes for her to play in at the farm. I washed her hands constantly and she took a bath more than I would like to admit. I have always been a neat freak. I like things, including my children, clean.
I remember the first time she took off running only to fall face first in the manure. I am pretty sure I almost had a heart attack.
Fast forward six years, add a couple little boys to the mix and my whole view on kids & farming has changed. I have decided to share a few things to help any new farm mommas relax a bit and just let the kids be kids.
- Have clothes designated specifically for the farm. Clothes that are kept in a special drawer that it’s okay to stain. Train your children to only use those clothes when they head out to play or do chores.
- Have two sets of boots. Chances are they will get wet, muddy, etc. It is important to have an extra pair to switch out in a hurry. We have two sets of rubber boots and two sets of winter boots.
- Have two coats especially in winter. My boys will find ways to get wet shortly after we start chores. It is important to have back up clothes to keep chores running smoothly.
- Have “house” toys & “barn” toys. This alleviates the stress of good toys being ruined and/or constantly having to clean your child’s favorite toy.
- Just let them play. Manure & mud will wash off. Give them a bath at the end of the day. Don’t stress about it until then.
- Make sure to bring snacks to do chores especially when you have young kids. Chances are they will be “hungry” the moment you start chores. Having those pre-planned snacks is very helpful.
I started out being a very stressed farm mom. It doesn’t have to be that way. Kids will be kids. Let them have fun and clean up the mess later.
A big thanks to The Farmer’s Wifee for sharing this Mama Honesty! I love her outside view from not growing up on a dairy farm! Keeping farm kids clean is pretty much an impossible task, as you can see above!! I think her words ring true to motherhood as a whole; ‘let them have fun and clean up the mess later”! Be sure to follow along with Krista, you can find her all over social media. I enjoy following her on facebook, instagram and twitter!

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