Today for International Women’s Day I joined the Female Farmer Project in their #ILookLikeAFarmer campaign. It’s a movement to show the world what a large role women in agriculture play. And to show the world what a farmer looks like, beyond the stereotypical old man in flannel that comes to mind first. Because women are farmers too!
As I put together my pictures, I started to really think about how lucky I am to be a woman farmer in this day and age. And what it means to me to still fight those stereotypes.I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve introduced myself as a third generation dairy farmer to have the other person ask if it’s my husband’s farm. As a matter of fact no, he has no farming background always gets a good conversation going.
Women have always held important roles in farming, I’m thankful today and everyday for the generations that forged the way for women in many male dominated industries. That we can tell our stories freely and be recognized for the many roles we hold.
From wife and mother to dairy farmer, milker, calf raiser, tractor driver, equipment operator, cow midwife, emergency vet, fence fixer, etc. Not only are we capable and qualified to hold these titles, but that we do so everyday.
Today and everyday I hope I am teaching my boys that women can be their equal. That we are capable and strong, but also bring a different unique set of skills to every job. That they can find a true partner in their future spouse. And as a mother, I didn’t give up myself, but added to my strengths.
I am blessed beyond measure to live in a time where I can let my passion drive my job as a female farmer. That I can be proud of all my strengths as a woman today and everyday. “Feminism isn’t about making women stronger. Women are already strong. It’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength” G. D. Anderson.
I hope today and everyday you take the time to admire the strength of the women around you! And be sure to check out the #ILookLikeAFarmer on all social platforms!

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