Hello February!
Sometimes it take some healthy determination to make a difference. This month I am determined to carve out a little bit of time for myself! After a few months of just feeling blah by the afternoon, I knew I needed to make a change. It’s easy to feel like I just need a break, Mama’s need a break, and nap time is my usual down time. But this month I’ve decided to add in a little movement to help my body feel healthier.
I am not a workout person, and things have to be simple and easy or I won’t stick with them. So I am simply trying to move for 20 minutes every day. Yesterday I simply carved out 5 minute intervals in between house clean up. One time I walked our stairs, the next I did a few easy exercises; push ups, plank, lunges and squats and lastly during chores I pushed myself at a little faster pace than usual. Those ten minutes during the afternoon really helped to boost my energy level and clear my head.
So after day one I am sticking to it! One more thing I threw in for fun is drinking more water. I get plenty of water every day, in coffee form, so I’m making a conscious decision to grab a glass every time I think of it.
Small changes, simple baby steps for a healthier and happier ME.
Cause we all need some time for ourselves!
Join me on instagram #30x20challenge, we’ll keep each other accountable!

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