Thoughtful Thursday, Thankful Thursday, Farm edition!
I love the month of November! The world lights up in one last spectacular show from nature, as the leaves fall from the trees. The temperatures begin to dip, making your crave a toasty warm fire, soup and comfort. And we celebrate Thanksgiving! I love taking a few moments to really appreciate all that we have, helps put things into perspective. Especially in an industry with so many ups and downs, the downs can be an overwhelming burden. I know I won’t be able to get them all down here, there is so much to be Thankful for on the Farm, but here are a few of my favorites!
Growing up and now raising my son on the Farm: What an amazing blessing! I loved being a farm kid (for the most part!) and I can see already how much my son enjoys it. He is such an animal lover, his excitement over the simplest things, like feeding bottles, makes every day a new adventure. And the skills, work ethic and everything other little thing he’ll pick up from the Farm are things that couldn’t be taught in the same manner anywhere else!
The animals on the Farm: I am an animal lover, always have been, always will be. From our lovely Ladies, to the chickens, dogs and cats the animals are truly what makes the farm. Somewhat obvious, because a dairy requires dairy cows, so equally Thankful for the amazing breed we work with, the Guernsey!
The milking machines on the Farm: Maybe a silly one, but boy am I glad we don’t milk by hand anymore!
And lastly…..
Just being on the Farm: This is a big one for me as this wasn’t where I always thought I wanted to end up. I spent quite a few years dreaming of a different life, different job. But I can’t imagine any other lifestyle now! Sure I still have my days where I am wondering why I did make this choice, but when I really think about it, the pros usually out weigh the cons: Working side by side with my family, being my own boss, being able to work from home and raise my son at the same time, doing something I enjoy, not having to be presentable for work-the ladies don’t care that my hair is less then perfect and there’s never any makeup involved, being a country girl, working with an awesome herd of cows and taking pride in what I am doing!

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