Five years ago today, I sat down and wrote my first blog post. 140 total blog posts later and a presence on every social media, I can honestly say this whole idea has been an awesome ride. This platform has been so much fun to give a voice to the passion and dedication I truly feel for the dairy industry. It has also served as an outlet for my writing, and honestly just a fun hobby. From happiness to sorrow and everything along the way of my everyday life sharing my story through blogging has been such a fun way of connecting with people from all over! So to celebrate five years of blogging I’m looking back at some of my favorites posts, sharing a little advice and the best things that have occurred because of my own little space on the web!
From humble beginnings…..
This journey started with a whole different name and look at The Oregon Dairy Farmer’s Daughter. TODFD felt like home for so long, that becoming Guernsey Dairy Mama was quite the jump for me. But with so many farmer’s daughters out there, the decision to rebrand was really to give myself a name I could truly own. This space is slowly feeling more like home now and it’s been great to really take it and own it as myself. It did come with more than a few speed bumps, so if I have any advice for someone looking into blogging, pick the name you really want first!
Every social under the sun…..
Facebook, instagram, twitter, pinterest, you name it, there’s a social out there for it. Social media has taken over our lives. And with easy interaction and a built in huge audiences it’s taken over blogging to. Each platform has it perks, but all bloggers now are present on all social media platforms. It’s easily where most of my interactions come from and I appreciate being able to reach different audiences on each one. It’s been astounding to me even just in the five years I’ve been playing in this world how much social media has changed. I really did just start out here on the blog, but after switching to my new name in the last year it’s been a thrill to build my followers especially on Facebook and instagram. This dairy life is busy, so it’s fun to have quick and easy platforms for sharing. It’s definitely changed the world of blogging! And here on my blog those changes have meant less actual blog posts, I think my new years resolution might have to be remembering to share here more often! Another tip for those considering joining this world, don’t feel overwhelmed by every platform that is out there. Pick the ones that really work for you and enjoy sharing your story, if something just isn’t your style don’t try to own it and loose your authenticity.
Real life connections…..
I’ve got to meet some pretty awesome people through this blogging thing. Finding a tribe of like minded individuals and people I can go to with questions has been invaluable. When I first started I was totally on my own, just diving in head first. To be able to grow my skills through friends and even groups has been so much fun, I truly value the community that exists behind the scenes of agvocating. I’ve also forged many friendships through social media and some I’ve even gotten the chance to meet in real life. I do want to give one shout out to an amazing group that has brought many of my friends together for these real life meetings and skill teaching sessions and that’s the AgChat Foundation. Their mission statement is “empowering farmers and ranchers to connect communities through social media platforms.” The relationships I’ve built through their conferences has been just as big of a take away as the learning resources they provide. I also thoroughly enjoy contributing to Ask the Farmers, an idea that was born out some of those real life relationships that have formed. And the highlight of my connecting to fellow agvocates every year is Christmas in the Country.
Favorite Posts
My favorite post is an easy one, it’s the number one driver to my blog and truly resonates with consumers and farmers a like. It is just celebrating it’s anniversary also as two years old, and those words I wrote that day are as true now as they were then. This post is the whole reason I agvocate, to try to give people a glimpse into my story and the passion and dedication that drives those of us in the dairy industry. Their is no other “job” like this in the world, it’s a lifestyle choice and some days are just plain hard! Letting those emotions literally flow through the keyboard is really what this is all about.
This little story is another reason I blog. It’s not a driver to my blog, I doubt many of you have read it, but it’s a sweet memory that deserved to be written. To capture moments of my life, to share those tidbits of family farming with my readers is such a privilege. It’s also just fun to remember some of these moments with my boys. I’m discovering the truth in the saying, the days are so long and yet the years go by so quickly. Marna is still in the herd today and getting ready to have her second calf any day now!
In 2012 I ran a series on our farm facebook page – Abiqua Acres celebrating the 60 years we have been working with the Guernsey breed. I pulled all the posts together on the blog and it’s just fun to see all the history in one place. This is a series I am so glad I did and just really had fun with! So if you want to know anything about our farm from the last 60 years, be sure to check out these posts. This history also make me so excited for the future of our farm in robotics and to be able to hopefully see a 5th generation carry on this tradition!
I could probably share at least a dozen more with you! Going down memory lane through the archives of my blog has me feeling like many areas of my life have passed in the blink of an eye! Five years really does go quickly, but I have so enjoyed this journey. Sharing my story and connecting with readers about my life is invaluable. I love when I get those questions on posts, that I can be a source of information on dairy farming is my whole mission. I enjoy bridging that gap between the generations that are no longer connected to any type of farming. My daily life and ordinary doings are often first time information for others and to have a platform to share that on has been so much fun. So always know my contact page is always open for your questions!
So thanks for joining me! Of all the places on the web and some people end up here really means a lot to me! Thank you readers for driving me to continue to share with you. I hope you’ve learned something in the past five years! Or at the very least enjoyed reading!
And if your just getting starting blogging or agvocating, there’s a whole group of people out here just waiting to help you, don’t go it alone, trust me on that! My contact page is here for you!

Congrats! I am so glad that we have become friends both online & IRL. Keep up the great work, our industry needs you!
Thank you Krista, I’m so glad you count you as a friend!!
Happy Blog-iversary, Darleen! Great post!
I definitely am glad we have been able to connect in person also Sadie!! I just love all the blog friends I’ve collected from this little adventure! Thanks so much for being a part of it!!