My favorite day of Spring is when we let the cows back out to pasture for the first time! Hands down, absolute, nothing compares to this day.
Last year we were out so early that this year’s usual April let out seemed SO late. But we have had such a wet winter and spring that it was just wasn’t time until now. Truly appreciate the great weather this past week, the much needed sunshine has made everyone happy! And I really can’t complain about the rain as it was more than needed after last years drought. Hoping this wet weather means our pastures stay green for longer this year!
Because of construction we had to let out a different direction then usual. This created a little more excitement then we really like to see on the first turn out. After a few escapees that didn’t quite get the memo on which direction the fence was sending them we got everyone out onto the green grass and settled down.
Playing, grazing, napping in the warm sun it truly was a perfect day for the Ladies! I really enjoy seeing their genuine enthusiasm and happiness about that first day back outside.

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