I’m sure by now you have heard the term factory farm thrown around. Quite frankly I’ve heard it more times than I ever care to have ever heard it! I am really curious as to who came up with this term, as it really has no definition, but it seems to have painted quite a picture in people’s minds. Over mechanized farms that are inhuman, cold and run by Big Ag corporations. Honestly every farm I have ever been on comes no where close to falling under this category. Most all farms, 98% of farms in our country are solely family owned. The other 2% also contain family farms that for tax purposes or other reasons have become incorporated. Farmers are a minority of our population though, those same numbers appear as farmers make up just 2% of the population feeding the other 98%.
As a farmer I am SO confused by the term factory farm, I have yet to encounter one and being in agriculture all my life I’ve stepped foot on quite a few farms. What does factory farm mean to you? Does it paint a picture in your mind? Have you been to or know of a factory farm? Does it mean so many acres or a certain number of animals? Because families are behind large and small farms, farms that produce crops and animals, farms of all kinds.
This week a campaign was launched to purchase drones to spy on these factory farms. An independent journalist is determined to get to the bottom of what is really happening on these farms. Farms like this:
Looking at this picture I see a farm, a small farm, one that probably isn’t even active anymore for it’s original purpose as the two barns on the bottom right have damage to their roofs. I see a farm much like many of the family farms I have been on before. A farm that is even smaller then our own farm.This farm could even be an organic farm. This is what they want to spy on? You can imagine my concern, they want to spy on farms just like mine and many of the people I know.
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Our Farm looks much like the one above, are we a Factory Farm?![]() |
So why drones? I am wondering if this journalist (who I am not linking to for obvious reasons, let me know if you want more information) has even tried to visit these farms that he considers factory? I have yet to meet a farmer that would refuse a interview from a genuine person looking for truth. I think he could go to much less trouble and expense to find his truth is he just visited some farms. Speaking of expense, I am sickened by the amount of money he has raised in 5 days, his original goal was $30,000, he’s surpassed that now at over $40,000 and is now wanting $90,000 for this little project. And People Are Donating!!!! I can think of a million more worthy causes than spying on my neighbors. How about we start with feeding them, that seems like a much better use of those funds!
Do you have a family farm? Do you disagree with the term factory farm? I invite to join us in spreading the word. Create a photo collage and share with your social media outlets. Be sure to include the hashtags #myfamilyfarm and #factoryfarm when sharing! And then also be sure to link up below!

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