My friend Krista The Farmer’s Wifee recently complied and shared Instagram posts from fellow dairy farmers to take on 5 common dairy myths. I think it’s safe to say that dairy farmers debunk dairy myths.
Myth #1: There are Antibiotics in Milk
Myth #2: Only Humans Drink Milk from another Species
Myth #3: There is Pus in Milk
Myth #4: Milk Shouldn’t be Included in a Healthy Diet
Myth #5: Dairy Farmer’s Don’t Care about their Cows
For the answers to all these common misconception read her full post here.
I enjoyed that she took my post from several weeks ago to debunk myth #5. I was discussing on Instagram the role that medicine and antibiotics play in the health and care for our herd, especially newborn calves. Our newborn calves are the future of our herd, so their care is especially important. We go to great lenths to make sure they are receiving the best care possible. Make sure you check out who responded to myth #4, a very appropriate person to share what an important role healthy protein plays in our diets.
As always if you ever have any questions about anything you think I might be able to help you answer, don’t hesitate to ask! I know there is so much information out there that can seem confusing and even scary. When those questions come up for dairy, come to the source, a dairy farmer! As we move into summer and the busier season be sure you are following along with me on Instagram and Facebook. Both those platforms are easy to update while we are on the go and honestly I don’t get a whole lot of time here with my keyboard on the blog.
Besides myself also be sure to follow along with the other contributors to the post as they share their dairy story:

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