It’s that time again as we roll into a new year, which means it’s time for The Country Christmas Connection reveal! This year was a big year for me with this awesome gift exchange as I stepped into the roll of host. When I contacted the past hosts and learned they were stepping back from the exchange, I just couldn’t let this tradition go! So The Country Christmas Connection was born and I was able to pull in my good friend Jenny from The Magic Farmhouse to help me out! Honestly it couldn’t have been worse timing for either of us, so apologies if this all seemed a little disorganized! This is so much more than a secret blogger gift exchange to Jenny and I though. So we are so glad to have continued this tradition this year. And look forward to bringing it to you again!
My package arrived this year from Jennifer at Farm with Me Momma. After wrestling the beautiful box out of it’s shipping box, (Jen how did you get it in there!?!) I was greeted with the most perfect collection of goodies! I agreed with Jennifer’s note that we have a lot in common being farm mama’s with young kids at home. She did the perfect job putting my gift together. The box itself was such a fun surprise to open and very fitting as Oregon has been “enjoying” quite the cold spell. So baby it IS cold outside!
Inside was the most delicious smelling strawberry bath barn, I can’t wait to use it. A woman of my own heart as a book lover, Jennifer shared one of her recent favorites with me “Real Moms…Real Jesus” by Jill Savage, can’t wait to dive into this title. She also included a beautiful 365 Morning Light Devotional. Very timely in both those titles. She also must have picked up somewhere that I enjoy to write with a beautiful blank notebook and set of the fun brown and white Christmas cows cards she found. Also the most perfect find was a set of Guernsey coffee coasters! Seriously combining two of my most favorite things, seriously awesome. These will find a home in our new barn office! Lastly and definitely not least Jennifer found me a gorgeous knitted headband. I always wear my hair up, even in winter, so wearing stocking hats if not comfortable. I’ve been eyeing one of those knitted headbands for like 3 winters now and never snagged one of myself. It is perfect, now my ears can be warm outside. And now I can feel stylish doing very unstylish work! 😉 Jennifer just did an overall awesome job. I am so glad to have made this connection with her and look forward to continuing our friendship!
This year my recipient had a special twist to it as it was Naomi, From the Corner of Circle L Ranch. I had the opportunity to meet Naomi at the AgChat Cultivate and Connect Conference. Just the week after we got all of our matches made and I knew she was who I’d be sending to. I even managed not to spill the beans. I’ve been following Naomi for some time on Instagram, Faith Family Ranching, and love seeing life on her beautiful Nebraska cattle ranch. But I will let her continue to enjoy their true cold winter weather, makes me know I can’t complain about our cold temperatures when they get -20s!! No thank you, this Northwest girl has no idea how cold that is! Anyways I had a lot of fun meeting Naomi in person and putting her gift together! You’ll have to check out her post to see what I sent! 🙂
So even though this year was a bit different playing host, I am so glad I decided to step in to take over. This is all about connections, bringing Ag bloggers from across the country together and sharing some fun Christmas cheer! Although a few bumps in the road, I hope all of the 30 bloggers joined us this first year enjoyed their new connections just as much as I did. Be sure to check out the LinkUp for all the other reveal posts. Also another huge Thank You to Jenny for jumping onboard with this with me with no second thoughts! I couldn’t have done it without her!
Happy New Year, cheers to new connections, may they flourish in 2017!!!

First, thank you for your work co-hosting the Country Christmas Connection. You and Jens did a great job and I hope you host another.
Second, what a fun package you received from Jennifer! I continue to learn and recognize that women involved in ag are very similar at heart. Our family, farm or ranch responsibilities, daily tasks may look very different, but there is a common thread that we all share. Faith and family are at the top of the list. Oh and coffee, lol!
Third, how fun to meet Naomi and know you get to send her a secret gift! I haven’t meet her, but fallow life at the Circle L.
Aww, I love your post and following you!
And I loved getting your box,
And I loved getting to meet you.
2017 is going to be GREAT!!