Well I don’t think we could have asked for a better classification day! The sun came out for the first time in weeks and the scores were exciting. No better way for my Dad, Alan to spend his birthday!
We added two new Excellents:
Abiqua Acres Aaron Marcena and Abiqua Acres Aaron Mardi
6 more were added to the 87 and higher club:
Abiqua Acres Verdict Beatrice – VG 88 with Ex 90 ms
Abiqua Acres Glacier Jolisa – VG 88
Abiqua Acres Challenge Spirit – VG 88
Abiqua Acres Alstar Mistery – VG 88
Abiqua Acres Grumpy Bluesky – VG 87 with VG 88 ms
Abiqua Acres Yogibear Kaylena – VG 87 with VG 88 ms
And last but not least two Excellent cows added points:
Abiqua Acres Lorry Boo is now Ex 91 at 8-03. This power house has also produced well over 100,000lbs.
Abiqua Acres Aaron Meara is now Ex 93, making her the highest scored cow ever bred and owned by Abiqua Acres!
Our newest addition in our littler farmer did an awesome job for his first classification. Not bad for 11 days old!

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