A new year again brings the Christmas in the Country reveal. For the last three years I’ve been participating in this great gift exchange with ag bloggers across the country. It is so much more than a secret santa giving, but also a way to connect with like minded women in all sectors of agriculture. And honestly it’s really just a lot of fun!
I was so excited when my package arrived, this year all the way from Minnesota. Wanda of Minnesota Farm Living sent me a taste of the Northwoods in a Caribou Coffee gift set. I can always use another coffee mug and well I’m always up for a cup of coffee. I think Wanda might have gotten the hint I’m a bit of an addict! Also included was a fun mug mitten. You put it on your cup and it keeps your hand warm while your drinking. I love the sparkle that’s in the yarn! I’ve enjoyed following Wanda for some time now, she writes great informational pieces. It’s also been great to have her as a member of the Ask the Farmers group, she’s an amazing agvocate and it’s been fun to connect on a personal note now! Be sure to check out her blog!
I had a lot of fun getting to know (aka secretly stalking) my receiver this year, Kaitlyn of Becoming Texan. We both are a bit of book worms, and enjoy historical fiction, so I included one of my favorite books in her gift. Also had to give her a taste of my home town with some delicious chocolates and a drink cup. She also has the most beautiful red heelers, so a dog toy was a must! I’m really looking forward to continuing to follow Kaitlyn!
That’s what Christmas in the Country is all about, making new friends! I’m glad to be adding these two to the list this year! A huge shout out to the hosts that help make this possible, I know it’s a lot of work and really appreciated by all of us who participate! Jamie, Laurie, Kirby and Lara, Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!

Fun! Fun! Fun! What a great little gift Wanda sent you! I totally forgot the connection of Ask The Farmers between the two of you. So glad that you now have even more of a connection! Thanks again for participating again! We love having you!
Laurie – Country Link
Looks like another great gift and another great matchup! Glad you were able to make some new connections! So glad you were able to participate again this year, thanks for sharing and linking up. Happy new year!
Yay – I love your gift! (And double-fun because it’s from Minnesota!) I don’t have a mug mitten but now I think I need one. 🙂 Thank you for participating, Darleen – I am so glad we’re getting to know each other and I look forward to our many connections (Ask The Farmers, our blogs, etc.) in 2016 and beyond!
Lara – My Other More Exciting Self.
That coffee sleeve is ADORABLE.