Today was spent celebrating 92 years with my Grandfather! Such a milestone and just brings so many wonderful memories with celebrating a wonderful man. While his health is not quite where he would like it to be and his mind often wanders every moment spent with him is such a valued treasure. As my last living grandparent it’s a relationship that means so much to me. Seeing my boys interact and appreciate their relationship with Grandpa also holds a special place in my heart.
I often marvel at the generations before us, and standing a room full of people that are together because of one person always puts so much into perspective. But beyond just our own family I often think of all that the generations before us have seen. Technology especially and advances across all industries often blow my mind. While not involved in farming this Grandpa was a large equipment salesman and the changes that have come in his lifetime within his own industry are astronomical.
If often makes me wonder what changes might come in my own lifetime? As we move forward with our new facility and robotic milking I know my other Grandfather must be in awe of that idea. I wish he could be here to see it! So while some times I find it hard visiting with my Grandpa in his declining health, I cling to moments like today. Being thankful for the man and the generations that came before us. So much is owed to them and that sense of family is something I am so thankful for. Nothing is more important than taking time to celebrate 92 years of a wonderful life. And celebrating and being thankful for them everyday.
Happy Birthday Grandpa!

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