After months of final planning and weeks of waiting on the weather, we were able to start breaking ground today!!
It’s so exciting to see an actual start to the last two years worth of planning! Looking like the weather will hold for the next week as we have a lot of dirt to move. Our deceivingly “level” ground actually gives us about 3 feet on one side that needs moved. With the help of some awesome friends and our builder we were able to make a real showing on the first day!
The first cuts were so exciting to see! This outside lane will be the feed alley were we drive the mixer wagon to feed the cows. Amazing to me what a difference heavy equipment can make in getting the job done efficiently!
Talk about heavy equipment, my parents life long friend and farmer brought in his huge John Deere and earth mover to help us out with all the dirt that needed relocated. We couldn’t have made such a showing without his help!! Thank you Hammelman Farms! The boys in the tire gives you and idea of just how big that tractor is.
The boys have been having a blast watching all the progress so far. They both got a turn in the excavator. Littler Farmer especially was in heaven with his love of all machinery. Every day since it’s been his daily question of when he can go in the digger again.
Earth worms and dirt piles galore, every boys favorite past time.
While we didn’t get the traditional hard hat and shovel picture, I think I prefer the heavy equipment making a real showing anyway! More than anything it just makes this whole project finally feel real! I’ll try to post regularly on Instagram, so make sure to follow #aagoesrobotic as we progress through the construction! Our crazy busy days have definitely just gotten a lot busier, I didn’t think that was possible with dairy farm life, but it is!

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