Another year……another year flown by……at pretty much the speed of light!!!
A year whose theme should simply be: behind
Ok please tell me I’m not the only one sitting here wondering how in the world it’s only 15 days till Christmas! While I could blame my behindness on many things, I mainly think it’s just lacking spirit. I usually love decorating and getting into the spirit of all the Holidays, but this year it’s just been missing! 🙁 And that makes me sad!
First it was my son’s 2nd birthday that I had fun plans for, but pushed those all aside as I fought back morning sickness. That seemed to last for far longer this go around and then I was suddenly looking at Summer. Summer flew by as if nothing could stop it. Add in an extra two cow related road trips and I felt like May to September passed in the blink of an eye! We didn’t even get a garden planted this year! Technically I guess it’s still Fall, but where October and November went I am still wondering.
And December, here you are! I had big plans for you! Mostly I feel this time crunch because well my due date for baby number two is 19 days away… little over two weeks! I was going to be so organized and get everything for Christmas done early, so just in case this little decides on an early exit, and also to enjoy this last time as a family of 3. But alas I still have the majority of my shopping to do, as well as decorating.
I will give myself this pat on the back, I got our Christmas cards out early this year! The earliest they probably will ever be, they were done by Thanksgiving and I think I got them in to be mailed that following Monday. I love sending and receiving Christmas Cards! Probably one of my favorite things about the season!
And this weekend I finally felt a little Christmas spirit as we visited Santa and his reindeer. Well really just his reindeer, my animal lover son refused to go see Santa, but insisted on several trips to pet the reindeer. We also had a freezing, but at least dry, trip to get our tree. Now to decorate, finish our gifts, and still have time to focus on our impending new arrival. So many blessings in this year, I just feel like it flew by!
Behind…my New Year’s Resolution; to put this year behind me and find my Spirit. Wouldn’t hurt if you told me you’ve had years like this as well?!?
*Also another New Years Resolution, get faster internet! Supposed to be getting installed on Monday, so maybe I can finally share pictures with you all again!* Woohoo, so far it’s faster, so I’ll add some pictures!*

I want you to know I had a slight panic attack at the 15 days until Christmas thing! I did not realize that!
Oh I know right!?! I was more then a little panicked when I realized it last night!!!