Sometimes, every once in a blue moon a perfectly ordinary day, is a good day. Nothing spectacular happened, nothing that was earth shattering good news, it just was. And in that just being, there was total peace and happiness for me. Add in a gorgeous sunset to end a beautiful Fall day in Oregon and it doesn’t get much better than this! So thankful for this life and these two farm boys. I am blessed beyond measure.
The last couple weeks have been a jumble of nothing being simple or going right. This moment, I needed this moment to take a deep breath and realize they are just not important. This is what is important right now! Ever had a moment that just made you drink it in and be in wonder of the present. Sometimes a moment, an ordinary moment and whole good day can make all the difference in lessening the burdens of the heart.
Cheers to perspective my friends, taking the road to positiveity it not always easy, but it can make such a difference in how your days go. I hope you can find an ordinary moment and really appreciate its value! Even better for taking in the day that just was and letting it be good.

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