I had this grand plan to keep you all updated here on the blog as we went through the construction process of building our new robotic facility. The last time I shared a real construction progress update was in May!! So…….obviously my grand plan did not work! The reality of building a new barn and running a dairy at the same time is evidence of my lack of updates here, there just wasn’t time! My parents have been joking that the time you need a milking robot is when you are building a robotic milking barn! So while I am really bummed not to have shared with you all through this whole process, we now have a barn!
My plan to finish out 2016 before the new year is to bring you pictures from the last 7 months to show how things came together. It really has been quite the process and we are very excited to finally feel like we are pretty much on the home stretch. Just to set the record straight, no we don’t have a for sure start up date yet. We are hoping for the end of January, but there are still quite a few interior items to finish installing in the barn. While nothing major really set us back, this whole project just being the magnitude that is it, took much longer then we were expecting! We really were expecting to be robot dairy farming before the end of this year. Looks like we will just have to start the new year off with a bang!
We now have a barn and it feels great to have the construction finished! I hope you will forgive me for the updates not happening as planned for this year. And I hope you enjoy getting to view the monthly reports now. Check back this week on the blog (as hopefully the internet cooperates with me) and you will see that we now have a barn!
Click on the months below to view each Monthly Barn Report:
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